Answering The Call

Sermon Series Resources


This sermon series outline was developed to help you preach four messages that will guide the people in your congregation/youth group through the process of seeking their calling—whether they are called into vocational ministry or to help them become a more effective member of the church. The series begins with an opportunity to “see” others (and ourselves) through a lens that is different than the world’s lens. As you teach this first lesson, you will be helping your congregation to see how we often miss what God is doing in the lives of those around us, and how important it is to listen for His voice and to hear His heart for the purposes He has for His children. As you move into the second week, it’s important to show that as you pursue your calling, your character matters! Just because you might be currently dealing with a sin issue, doesn’t mean you should forgo your calling. But, just as a person’s character qualifies them for ministry, it can disqualify them when they do not seek to be the people God created them to be on this side of eternity.

The third week will give you an opportunity to empower those listening to explore the gifts that God has given them, both naturally and spiritually. Please don’t miss an opportunity when teaching the lesson this week—offer an assessment(s) to help your people understand how God uniquely created and gifted them. There are plenty of FREE spiritual gift tests available online. A spiritual gift test is a powerful tool in helping others begin their ministry journey.

And finally, during the fourth session, make sure you have time set aside to pray and anoint those who would like to dedicate their lives to God’s Calling. This simple time of prayer is crucial, not only in sending people into their ministry, but also in allowing everyone in the room to celebrate and understand their role in encouraging and supporting those who are seeking to minister in the local body. Please note, while the scriptures in the outline are already on preprepared
slides each week, there are also blank slides for you to make this series your own. Use them to add other scriptures, notes, etc. to help your students/congregation as you deliver each message.


