God has called you for such a time as this.
He has equipped Trellis to train you up.
Sensing a call on your life into full-time ministry is exhilarating, purposeful, and sometimes a little scary. Trellis was created to come alongside you, supporting you every step of the way. Ministry was never designed to be done alone. You are not alone.
Join the Trellis community and be surrounded by others who are chasing after God's heart for the church, as well as those who have gone before you and want to pour into you. Through Trellis, you will receive the critical education, training, and funding needed to move forward with confidence into full-time ministry.
There are two paths within the Trellis Training Program: Internship and Residency. The Internship Program is a Bachelor’s level program and a 3 year placement at a local church, gaining experience in all the various ministry areas. The Residency Program is a Master’s level program for those God has called to plant, revitalize, and lead churches. Learn more about each program below.