• Safety Harbor, FL

    At Bayside Community Church, our mission is to encourage more people to become more like Jesus.

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  • Monroe, LA

    Our desire is for our congregation to become a safe space for people who never considered church as an option to find the love, grace, and direction of Christ. One of the questions we struggle with consistently is, "If our church closed its doors tomorrow, would our community ever know we were gone?" This drives us to reach out beyond our walls. This drives us to battle in the messiness of living life with people. Most of our congregation grew up in church, but they are challenging themselves to love people who do not look like them or live lives like theirs. Our key phrase is "Love God, Love Others, Live It Out". To us this means to that we are called to walk the messy grace of life with people who may struggle with any number of issues. AND that cannot happen only on Sunday morning and Wednesday night.

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  • Meridian, MS

    NorthPark Church is a multi-cultural church that is deeply committed to God and to one another. We are FOR MERIDIAN. Jesus came to serve the world, and for the glory of God, NorthPark Church exists to serve by unleashing passionate disciples who change their world one life at a time.

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  • Fairfax, VA

    At Fairfax Church, we're here to love our neighbors and see them raised to life in Christ. Whatever your circumstances—and no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, you matter to God. We invite you to become a part of our community.

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  • Pasadena, TX

    As Jesus gave his life for us, we give our lives for others in our community and world.

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  • Vero Beach, FL

    At Pathway Church we are committed to loving God and loving all people in our pathway.

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  • Dallas, TX

    New Vida is committed to growing into the Jesus-life, juntos. We do this by living into our values of: passing the faith along, bridging Christ and cultures, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, equipping and deploying people for kingdom service, reshaping communities to look more like heaven on earth, and serving as a laboratory for the Kingdom of God.

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